Horrified Guests Reveal The Worst Weddings They’ve Ever Attended

#85 Shot on Location

Awkward Moments With Complete Strangers facts

At one wedding I attended there was a ceremonial “gifting” of a shotgun to the married couple from the family of the groom. Came out of nowhere and the entire room was sat in stunned silence until the most awkward “are we supposed to clap” applause nervously quivered into existence. But that’s not even the scariest part.

What’s scary is that both the bride and groom are extremely heavy drinkers, borderline alcoholics, and the groom in particular gets very aggressive when drunk. I can’t think of a worse couple to give a firearm to. To their credit, the wedding was gorgeous apart from that. Great food and drink, stunning location, and killer cocktails.

Credit: RancidLemons

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