Horrified Guests Reveal The Worst Weddings They’ve Ever Attended

#86 Cough Drops

Burst Out Laughing facts

My middle brother has a very odd sense of humor that occasionally causes issues. One of those issues is that he likes to whip his private parts out at random times and see how long it takes people to notice. The night before the wedding we were going to, he told me that at some point during the ceremony he was going to cough loudly, which would mean his you-know-what was out.

I laughed it off and didn’t think he could possibly be serious. Our officiant got to the “speak now or forever hold your peace” bit, and I heard a cough from where my brother was sitting. Both my husband and I whipped our heads around in disbelief, but the audience just thought we were daring any of them to say something, so they all laughed. Little did they know what was actually going down in the crowd…

Credit: Kurokitt

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