Horrified Guests Reveal The Worst Weddings They’ve Ever Attended

#92 Loose Lips of the Ma

Image result for mother bride toast

When my sister-in-law and her husband were getting married, my (future) wife and I had just learned 5 days before that she was pregnant. But we had decided not to tell anybody, partly because of the three-month rule and partly because of the wedding. My mother-in-law was driving me and my wife to the wedding, so we were at her house on the morning of the ceremony.

My wife feels sick, so she goes to puke, and my MIL asks if she is pregnant. She doesn’t want to lie so she says yes but makes it very clear to my MIL that she shouldn’t go around telling anyone, especially at the wedding. When we get to the party after the ceremony, the mother decides to make a toast, and about how she is happy because she will have not 1 but 2 grandchildren soon (my SIL who is getting married is pregnant at the wedding).

So now everyone is looking at my wife and her other sister in a questioning way, my other SIL is baffled and asks my MIL how she knows about the pregnancy, turns out she was pregnant too. It all went downhill from there, and the bride and both her sisters were majorly mad at their mom.I retreated to the minibar and got drunk with my future-father-in law.

Credit: Tuethedane

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