Horrified Guests Reveal The Worst Weddings They’ve Ever Attended

#98  I Do, I Guess

Awkward Wedding facts

Probably my cousin’s wedding. It was nice, there was nothing wrong with the wedding itself. But a lot of people were/are very confused by the couple’s relationship. It doesn’t seem like they are in love, they could’ve be two strangers on the bus, that’s how much chemistry they have. It just didn’t seem like they were right for each other and just got married because they felt like it was the next step.

I talked to my sister about it the other day and turns out that a few months after they got married. my cousin asked our aunt (her mother) how she could get an annulment… but then a week later she found out she was pregnant. They’re still together today—she’s due this winter. No one knows she talked to her mom about it except me, my mom, and my sister. I don’t even think her husband knows.

Credit: Erika_Envy23

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