“How do you do fellow kids?” It’s a line of dialogue from 30 Rock. A private investigator (Steve Buscemi) goes undercover at a high school for information about a student. But he fails miserably. Because his ruse hilariously obvious. And that became the basis of an entire meme that points out the appropriation of youth culture by authority figures, and corporations in particular. Have you ever seen people report about memes on the news? Because it’s cringeworthy 100 percent of the time. See, adults just aren’t a part of Internet or meme culture. And when they try to be, it’s usually really sad. It even led to the creation of the r/FellowKids subreddit. It’s where people post horrible or just plain tasteless appropriation of meme culture. These are the best of those “How do you do fellow kids?” memes.
Step Number Three Is The Reward

Make sure not to dab for at least 45 minutes after eating though.