You Won’t Believe How Rude Some People Can Be!

Gee, Thanks


Over the years, I have met plenty of entitled people while working in retail, but there’s one individual who stands out in my memory more than any of the others. This particular woman had by far the most entitled attitude of anyone I’ve ever met.

She was also a regular customer, so we had to deal with her garbage behavior at least twice a week on average. This customer’s favorite pastime would be to literally fill a trolley with clearance items.

These items were always a nightmare for cashiers, as you would have to reduce the price on the till for each one manually. Our management was worried about scanning fraud, and so they had disabled the multiplication button on the till.

This meant that each item had to be scanned and discounted individually. Once all of her items had been scanned and discounted, this customer would always, without fail, kick up a fuss over the price, accusing us of overcharging her and demanding to see a manager.

Some managers would give in to the persistent lady, which meant voiding the transaction and starting all over again from the beginning.

If they told the woman to get lost, she would complain about “never shopping here again” and storm out, leaving a full trolley of goods for us to have to go through and put back. Gee, thanks! How kind of you!

Either way, the entire spectacle would usually take up at least an hour of our time when all was said and done. And, I repeat, this happened on a very frequent basis.

There was eventually a nice moment of karma for this person, however. One winter, we had an especially heavy snowstorm in our area. Our policy, in this case, was to clear the car park’s access to the spaces closest to the door.

We would always do this as very few people come out when it’s snowing, and it lets people park as close as possible if they do decide to make the trek. Not this customer, though. Oh no.

She pulled into the car park, drove directly into the uncleared section, and tried in vain to drive through a snowdrift, hitting a covered bollard in the process.

She then clomped on into the store, demanded to see the manager, and proceeded to yell at him point-blank about the excess snow in our parking lot and the damage it did to her car.

Apparently, she was going to sue us and get every employee fired for “not clearing her usual parking space of snow.” Our manager responded by permanently banning her from our store for being consistently horrible towards our staff. Good riddance!

Story credit: Reddit/Shas_Erra

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