You Won’t Believe How Rude Some People Can Be!

Drinks On Me

Wikimedia Commons

Once I had a job as a cocktail waitress at a bar in Hollywood. It was very “A-List.” We served movie stars and celebrities there all the time. It was a very busy Thursday night and I was running drinks back and forth from the bar to the tables.

One of my tables had about five glammed up women that looked like they were on a girls’ night out. They were probably in their late 20s and they obviously had money, I could tell by the purses, shoes, and snotty attitudes.

I put their order in for their second round of drinks and I’m rushing by their table holding a tray full of drinks including martinis going to another table.

The one girl decides she wants to change her drink order so as I pass by her, she turns and grabs the back of my dress to stop me so she can change her order.

Of course my tray tips over when I’m jerked back and the drinks crash all over me and onto the floor. I turn and give her a withering look but she barely makes eye contact and says:

“Instead of a cosmo I want a vodka on ice” and turns back to her friends as if nothing happened. I was very tempted to spill some drinks on them next!

Story credit: Reddit/JiffTops

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