Improper Moments That Happened at Funerals And Threw Everyone For a Loop

A Slight Mixup


I’m the worst when it comes to people’s passing and funerals. I have several dumb stories to tell, but this one is the dumbest by far. My coworker’s teenage daughter passed unexpectedly.

It was obviously awful. I was stressing about it so much. I had written a heartfelt card with all of this meaningful stuff in it. So, I endure the wake, leave the card and go home.

I’m exhausted from sobbing. I’m going through the pile of mail on my kitchen table and lo and behold, there’s the card I had written for my coworker. Now, I know I left a card at the wake.

As it turns out, I got two cards mixed up and gave my coworker my husband’s birthday card from my parents…complete with a $50 Home Depot gift card.

Story credit: Reddit / J9nyr

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