Improper Moments That Happened at Funerals And Threw Everyone For a Loop

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So, I wasn’t there for it, but my parents were. One of their friends dated this girl starting in high school. They knew each other since they were six years old and they loved each other madly. They planned their life together, went to the same college, and she wore his family crest ring.

They decided after college since they were already living together they should get married. It was true love, which made this story so much more devastating.

He bought her an engagement ring and she wore it next to the one he gave her in high school. It was his father’s before him and his grandfather’s before that.

One day, they were driving home and a guy ran the red light hitting the passenger side of the car. He woke up in the hospital, his jaw was wired shut, and one of his friends came in when the doctor said he could.

He told him she didn’t make it. She had died instantly. The funeral was a week later when he could leave the hospital and his jaw was still wired shut. He wrote on a piece of paper and gave it to the funeral director telling him to leave the rings on her.

She was covered in makeup and my dad noted that her hands were glued shut to look peaceful, but they had an open casket as he wished. Then things took a dark turn. At the end of the viewing, the director’s assistant walked up before people left and she pried her fingers apart to remove the rings.

With his jaw wired shut he was mufflingly yelling, “NO, NO” and beginning to cry before, again with his jaw wired shut started screaming at the woman saying, “STOP! LEAVE THEM! THEY ARE HERS,” all murmured.

She got the hint at this point as 20 angry Irish men ran over. The worst part? She was using a sharp blade to pry the fingers apart and cut the hand. She told someone that they were in a rush and needed her out. The poor guy lost it.

This was the girl he had loved since he was 15 and they were going on 10 years of being together, but this woman was treating her like garbage.

I’m certain if one of the deceased sisters didn’t physically remove the woman, knowing this guy’s family, someone would have hurt her for sure. From that point on, he was a wreck.

He’s going on 50 now and that was still the last time he ever proposed to anyone. He had the wedding ring he was going to give her melted into a cross that he still wears. He’s dating a widow now who gets it, so that’s good.

Story credit: Reddit / Suitology

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