Improper Moments That Happened at Funerals And Threw Everyone For a Loop

I Ruined Everything


I was the person. I laughed horribly loudly in the fully enclosed, large marble echo chamber mausoleum where we were having the service for my grandfather.

My immediate family mourned after he passed, and by the time the funeral came around, we weren’t particularly upset. I did cry before the service, I loved my grandfather, don’t get me wrong.

My family has a kind of a dark humor vein that runs through us all, and we were laughing on the way to the cemetery about zombies coming out of the ground at the service. So, the pastor was very over the top to us non-religious people, and he was saying a lot of things that were making us internally chuckle. 

Then he said something that finally made me crack: “And one day, your loved one will rise from the ground and be alive again. This whole cemetery will rise, dirt will fly everywhere and you will be with your loved one again”

I had no idea how to react and I looked up to my Dad to see his reaction, and he was barely able to keep it in. He was struggling so hard not to laugh. Well, that’s what did me in. I started cackling so loud.

I hid my face in my hands hoping to make it look like I was crying, my mom came over and gave me a hug to try and disguise my horrible laughter as crying. And it all turned out okay in the end. The look my brother gave me as he struggled not to join me was priceless.

Story credit: Reddit / Pokeydo

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