Improper Moments That Happened at Funerals And Threw Everyone For a Loop

No One is More Upset Than Me


Honestly, we were all so angry that this one woman showed up at all. The dead guy hated her. She showed up wearing a Little Mermaid t-shirt and Pikachu hat.

While the priest spoke, she stood up and paced in front of him a few times, then sat next to the dead guy’s grieving fiance and told her, “No one is more upset about this than me.”

Someone discreetly pulled her away and sat her down three rows back where she loudly sobbed, wailed, sniffed, and professed her grief. When the service ended, she stood up in front of the casket and invited everyone in the room to a party she was hosting that night.

Story credit: Reddit / Sheilathetank

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