I’m in a Rush!

I was at a gas station putting air in my tire. This gas station required you to pay $1.00 but came with a pressure gauge. The gas station across the street had free air but no gauge. As I’m filling my tires, a lady pulls up beside me and starts asking questions like how much it was to use, how much time, etc.
I answered her questions as best I could but really was more focused on filling my tires since there was a time limit. My car has annoying warning lights that let you know if a tire is low, even the spare, and I hate when these sensors are lit up. The lady is still waiting there and is getting visibly annoyed.
This lady yells out, “Will you hurry up! I’m in a rush!” I was confused for a second but quickly realized that she just wanted to use my time without paying.
I did what any gentleman would do and proceeded to move slower. I pulled out of the spot and into a gas pump. She almost hit my car swooping into where my car was. She jumps out and as she puts the air pump to her tire, it shuts off.
I guess I was smiling way too big because as she jumped into her car and sped off she yells, “screw you” at me. I was so pleased with how it all timed out I didn’t even care. Such a great moment. Story credit: Reddit / Bamesjondpokesmot