Incredible Stories of Bad Neighbors Who Finally Got What Was Coming to Them

Taking Liberties


My significant other and I rented the middle unit of a one-story, three unit triplex. A sidewalk led directly up to our front door. On either side of the sidewalk, about 10 feet directly in front and slightly to the left and right of our front door, there were two very small garden areas fashioned out of landscape timbers. For six months of living there, nothing was planted in them, so we decided to buy and plant some flowers to brighten it up.

The next day we found a handwritten letter on our door in which our left-side neighbor informed us that he was deeply offended that we had taken the liberty of planting flowers in his garden. As he explained, the planter box was on his side of the sidewalk. He intended to plant a tomato plant there and he planned to follow through with his plans whether there were flowers or not.

In a letter of our own, we explained that a tomato plant was not the intended use of a flower garden and that his planting a tomato directly in front of our door would be inappropriate. Next day, we come home to find our flowers dug up and placed in front of our door and a tomato plant, complete with metal cage, planted in its place.

Story credit: Reddit / LikeChicken

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