Incredible Stories of Bad Neighbors Who Finally Got What Was Coming to Them

Floating Away


I live in a weekend lakefront community. My neighbor is just a weekender, but when he comes out, he acts as if we all work for him or something. It’s like he thinks we owe him—he expects us to be completely silent and be essentially invisible to him. He hates dogs and physically hurts my puppies through the fence. Naturally, the dogs are terrified of him and bark as soon as they see him.

It drives him crazy and it simply makes things worse. I don’t let the dogs bark for long, but I refuse to keep them inside all weekend just for his sake. Anyway, the lake flooded a few years ago, and it presented the perfect opportunity to teach him a lesson. I went around securing all my neighbors’ boats and kayaks—all but his stuff. I enjoyed watching his boat float away.

Story credit: Reddit / dowend

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