Enough to Make You Want to Move

Moved into a brand new house. Noticed an old toilet, garbage and a broken down hot tub in the neighbors front yard. Ok. Made cookies for all the neighbors and went over to introduce ourselves. He laughed and slammed the door in our faces. Ok.
Our other neighbor lets us know she witnessed the neighbor’s grown son throwing lit cigarettes over the fence at our puppy when he was in the backyard. We found about 50 cigarette butts in our yard. We do not smoke. About 6 months later get a complaint for dog barking with a $500 fine. It was ridiculous.
We had letters from all 16 surrounding neighbors attesting that our dog never barked, what great neighbors we were and how crazy the complainant was. The letters were not admissible. Since there were 2 pathological adult sons and the neighbor’s word against ours, we lost and had to pay. ToeSchmoe