She Doesn’t Have a Green Thumb

My neighbor sprayed our hedge between our houses with something that killed it, which we planted there next to her cyclone fence so we wouldn’t have to look at her. Everything we’ve planted there dies, and they always start dying from her side. She’s super nosy and is always watching out the window.
She also moved her in-ground sprinklers onto what I think is our property, touching our driveway, and sets them to go off in the middle of the night when our cars are parked there. She refuses to set them to go off while we’re at work because it “interrupts her yard work time.”
Her husband walks up and down the backyard fence and whistles at our dog to make her bark, then the wife complains to us about our dog barking. When we have a family member house sit, the neighbor complains about the number of cars in our driveway and parked in front of OUR house. 41andfun