Incredible Stories of Bad Neighbors Who Finally Got What Was Coming to Them

Ding-Dong Ditch


We had a neighbor of ours—a retired police officer in his 50’s—doorbell ditch us for around a month. The crazy thing is we never knew it was him. Apparently he was mad at us because we had a dog that would bark and disturb. He never told us about this, so I don’t feel too bad.

Finally, one day before we were moving out, he doorbell ditched us and we caught him. My wife and I looked at each other dead in the eye and without a word I sprinted out the front door and she took off out the back. We had this unspoken thing where we were like, “Let’s trap this loser!”

I caught up with our shirtless neighbor and he put his hands up and said, “Okay, you got me.” I said, “Dude, what the heck? Why are you doing this?” He was then proceeded to tell me about my barking dog. He apologized and said he should’ve told us about it. Anastik

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