The Letter Must Have Worked

My wife and I were tearing down our shed to build a new one. After it was torn down, we had a pile of wood and siding waiting for a company to pick it up. We started building the new shed, and a week later the pile was still there. I got a letter from the city stating the wood needed to be gone within 30 days.
My old lady neighbor came over the next day and said the pile was an eyesore and the city would take action. To be clear, this pile of wood and siding stood three feet tall and was nicely stacked on our side of the privacy fence between her and us.
This is a fence we erected because she complained our kids were playing outside and she wanted quiet. A couple of days later the company finally picked the stuff up. She again came over and said, “That letter must have worked…” Some people just have nothing better to do with their time. JamesTheMannequin