The Ceiling Fan is Too Loud

The woman who lived above our apartment was a psycho when it came to noise. My partner and I are very quiet. This woman could not stand the ceiling fan in our apartment. She said she heard it over her TV at all hours (even though we only ran it in the afternoon when we were in our living room).
Our landlords said she was a nuisance for years about the ceiling fan. They had technicians come in several times and they all said there was no real sound coming off it. Yet, the woman would be so upset over it that she’d throw tantrums, stomping her feet back and forth across her unit whenever it was on.
We had no AC, so it was really our only source of air circulation when we used it. The day we moved out, we knew the apartment wouldn’t be accessed for two weeks. We cranked that ceiling fan up to 11, locked the door, then dropped the key in the mail back to the landlord who was five states away. Nightswimm