We Turned On the Speakers and Left

We had neighbors that were good friends with each other. We all got along fine, but the girl above us was a bit of a jerk. I was sitting in the living room one day and I saw both of the girls moving a mattress upstairs. They told me the girls were moving in together so she could sublet her apartment.
We decided to keep the peace and not say anything….until that night. They decided to have their own dance party at 3 am. We said “screw it” and called the landlord. The next morning, there was a pounding on my door. It turned out she had been behind in rent, so the landlord gave her an eviction notice.
We were going away for a couple of days and right before we left, we turned on that annoying French nun song, “Dominique.” The upstairs girl may or may not have been named Monique. We hit the replay button, cranked it to full volume, and left for two days. ismileicrazy