They Lost Their Privileges

After all of my siblings moved out for college, my parents changed the basement into a liveable unit and started renting it out. The third group of tenants gave us a lot of problems. They stopped paying rent after three months and since it was winter we couldn’t evict them.
Since it was my parents’ house and the tenants stopped paying rent, we decided to “move in” with them. These people were such jerks, I don’t even regret what we did. I invited 20 people once and we were all drinking until 5 am, up until one of the tenants left for work in the morning.
They called 9-1-1 the first night they found my brother sleeping there. We explained the situation to the authorities and said that they’d have to take us to court if they wanted us to stop using our apartment. We told them to take care of it themselves since they weren’t “tenants” but squatters. randomka111