Peace Offering

I think I was the annoying neighbor. I used to live in a townhome complex where the back “porches” were just slabs of concrete and there was a field that connected all of them together. One night, I had like six friends over and we were on the slab grilling some chicken wings.
A woman from across the way started hollering at us, threatening to call the authorities. A few of my friends were like, “Screw that lady,” but I decided to take a different route. I plated up about eight wings with our scratch-made buffalo sauce and walked it over to the lady on a paper plate.
She told me she overreacted and was sorry for yelling at us. I told her it was okay, but I also asked her if she was doing alright because she’d probably had a terrible day. A little while later, she yelled back over that they were the best wings she’d ever had, and we gave a little cheer back to her. Wondershock