Kids Who Made Their Bullies Regret It

Name Calling


As a child, I was always much bigger than the other students in my class-both height and weight wise (5′ by the time I reached 3rd grade, stopped growing forever at 5’6 by 5th grade), which made me an easy target as the “fat girl” by the popular boys. Weirdly, the girls never were mean to me.

Anyway, in 6th grade, it reached its peak because I admittedly was this very weird, socially awkward girl, which made me an easy target. This boy (let’s say Dan) called me some variation of “fat” on the bus every single day. “Why didn’t you just move seats,” you may ask? Well, my brain was not that bright. One day I had enough. Dan called me something bad, and I almost moved forward to hit him. That made him and his friends flinch, and they seemed to understand that I would probably hurt them if they continued.

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