Kids Who Made Their Bullies Regret It

Tables That Turn


In high school, I had a verbal bully. He never got physical, but I would always hear about how fat I was or what I was reading (this was the early/mid-’90s, so manga wasn’t as mainstream as it is now). He lived a few streets down, and his parents knew he did it; they just didn’t care. So in my Junior year, a new high school opened, and I transferred over. He stayed at the old school. I help set up all the new computers and networks at the new school and graduate. The school then hired me as a computer tech, which was great because it was awesome paying for an 18-year-old!

So my first year as a computer tech, and who do I see?!? That’s right! He did something in his senior year at my old school that got him kicked out, and he had to repeat his junior year. So he was now a year behind me. So I am walking through the hallways with an Assistant Principal (damn, I miss him; I would’ve followed him to a school in Hell itself) talking about what computers I was going to move, etc. Bully sees me and just starts up again as no time has passed. I just stare at him and then at the AP. He lays into my bully about showing proper respect for the faculty and staff while my bully just has this dumbfounded look on his face.

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