Kids Who Say the Creepiest Things

Too Soon to Have Known


My ex had found out she was pregnant again. She was told that she had again suffered a miscarriage with her current pregnancy. My ex then went to tell her three-year-old daughter the news.

Her daughter calmly stated that she hadn’t lost her baby brother and he was still in her tummy. My ex figured she was just trying to cope with the news in her own special way, and gently told her that that wasn’t the case.

As it turns out, she hadn’t lost the baby and it was indeed a boy. This came as a huge (but pleasant) surprise to her, of course, but my ex couldn’t get over how her daughter knew it was a boy before she did.

She thought it was so strange because, at that stage of her pregnancy, it was way too soon to have known the baby’s gender. I guess the kid somehow had psychic powers…or it was just a lucky guess. Story credit: Reddit / Fuzzballfluff

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