Kids Who Say the Creepiest Things

Haunted House


I babysat a couple of kids in high school for some extra cash. The girl was probably around six, and the boy was four. The girl asked me around 7:30 pm if she could go outside to play with her friend. I asked, “Who is your friend?” to which she replied,

“His name is devil. He lives in the ground of my backyard with his scary dog”. I was so freaked out. Her brother overheard and came over to scold her.

He said, “You know we can’t do that because the last time we woke him up, he got mad and did bad things to us”. The girl still wanted to go outside to play but I wouldn’t let her.

Then the little boy tried to convince me to play the ouija board with them. I left as soon as the next babysitter came to relieve me around midnight. She informed me that their house was haunted. I never babysat there again. Story credit: Reddit / LocalCompostbin

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