Kids Who Say the Creepiest Things

He Had Never Been There Before


My son used to tell me all about what his life was like when he was my age. He apparently owned a large dairy farm near our home, and his name was John (which wasn’t the name we gave him).

He said he raised horses as well, and loved to take care of them. I can’t say we had much knowledge of farms or horses as a family, so at first, we just thought he was being quirky and had somehow taken a fancy to rustic life.

But then things started getting freaky. He would even point out the exact location of his farm. The location was an abandoned stone house with wood frame outbuildings. We’d never taken him there before.

According to township tax maps, that particular farm had been the John Freeman farm in the 1880s. Freeman was a respected dairyman who also raised Belgian work horses for sale. My little man was remembering his former life. Story credit: Reddit / unknowableahole

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