Kids Who Say the Creepiest Things

You’re Going to Disappear


When I was about six or seven, the house we were renting was going to be sold. My parents instructed us to keep our rooms tidy because people may be walking through the house during showings. I had the idea to take a little box and write “fortunes” on it. Inside were little slips of paper with “fortunes”.

The idea was that prospective buyers could take a slip of paper to get their fortune, kind of like a fortune cookie. I remember the first couple of slips of paper said stuff like “you will have good luck”. Then the rest of them had some pretty morbid stuff like “you’re going to disappear soon”.

My parents read the slips of paper beforehand, then sat me down and sternly told me the fortune box was a no-go. I was a pretty serious child, so it didn’t occur to me at all that a fortune box should be lighthearted. Story credit: Reddit / Totallynotacylon

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