Kids Who Say the Creepiest Things

I Miss My Real Family


My parents told me that when I was a kid, I always used to insist that I was a little boy named Chris, even though I’m female and my name is definitely not Chris. I insisted on this repeatedly as soon as I was able to speak and would break down crying from frustration if I was told I wasn’t.

I also regularly told my parents that I missed my real family, that they’d died in a car accident, and that I wanted to go to heaven to see them. This last part was extra weird, because my family isn’t religious and we hadn’t discussed any concept of heaven prior.

My mom was really worried about me, especially when I once told her that I liked “pretending to be Chris” but that I got scared when I did because there was always so much blood.

My mom asked me if I meant ketchup and I looked at her like she was an idiot, said, “No mom. It’s blood,” and then refused to talk about it again. This spanned from around when I first started speaking coherently through kindergarten or so.

I have no memory of it except that I remember really wishing I was a boy named Chris and feeling like something wasn’t how it should be with me up until around second or third grade, at which point it just faded away. Story credit: Reddit / XXm0rt

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