You might think there’s nothing wrong if you want to kiss your newborn baby. Sadly, this isn’t the case. When Lucy Kendall’s beautiful little newborn baby first made his entrance into the world, he was absolutely perfect. She looked forward to spending the next few months cuddling and caring for him. But things didn’t go as planned, as the tiny baby quickly grew ill with a completely preventable but deadly disease. So what was the culprit for his sickness? A wayward kiss from one of Kendall’s friends. If you ever spend any time around new babies, it’s important to know just why you shouldn’t kiss them, and what can go wrong with a tiny immune system if you’re not very careful.
A Child Is Born

Oliver Kendall was born to his parents, Lucy and Jaz, in August of 2018. The tiny newborn was absolutely perfect and in good health upon discharge from hospital, and his family was thrilled.