Drink it in

After the ceremony we headed to the cocktail hour, and the wedding party stayed behind to take pictures. We had to wait for almost two hours for the bride and groom to show up (so that the reception could start).
Fortunately, there was an open bar. All of the guests (I’d say around 50 or 60) went to the bar and got a drink. One drink. (This is important.)
When the bride and groom finally arrived, one of the waiters approached her father and let him know that his deposit on the open bar had been met — did he want to close the bar or put more money down?
The bride overheard this and LOST IT.
She proceeded to stand up on a chair and start screaming at everyone there about how rude and selfish we were for taking advantage of the open bar.
Her dad tried to hush her by telling her it was okay, but she wasn’t having any of it. She picked up a bowl, threw it on the table, and yelled that each of us were going to chip in and pay for the drinks we had had.
So, we joined the majority of the guests — we walked up to the bowl, dropped a few bills in, walked over to the gift table, picked up what we had brought and left.
| Rhoda Engelauf-Allen