Toss the bouquet (and your hands in the air)

I work in a flower shop.
We had a bride and her mother show up at 9 a.m. They wanted to order a full set of flowers for the wedding party, and the wedding was scheduled for noon.
Yep, three hours from then, and they wanted them ready by the time they were done with their makeup appointment at the beauty parlor a few doors down.
All the flowers she wanted require at least three weeks to ship from our suppliers. The bride was absolutely gobsmacked that we didn’t carry extremely expensive and highly perishable flowers at all times.
My boss told them that they would be limited to what we had in stock. The bride and her mom kept arguing that we should have those specific flowers in stock.
The bride started whining that we were going to “ruin” her big day. My boss told her she had ruined her own day by not ordering her flowers before her actual wedding day.
The mom tried chewing out my boss for her lack of customer service skills. My boss told her that she was welcome to try the shop down the street.
The mom said she’d do just that, and reassured the bride that she’d have her flowers done by the time her appointment was over. Both women stormed out.
I figured that was that, but my boss told me and the other girl to start on six simple boutonnières. Meanwhile she threw together a ribbon-wrapped bridal bouquet with some white roses that were nearly past their prime.
Sure enough, twenty minutes later the bride slunk back in and meekly asked if we were still able to assemble what they needed. We did. We also charged her a very large bridezilla tax — ahem, “rush fee.”
| Haceldama