Dress rehearsal

My mom and I saw a great bridezilla freak out while shopping for my wedding dress a few years back. We were in a small, local shop when another mother-daughter duo came in.
The mother said they were here to pick up her daughter’s dress, so the attendant looks her name up in the computer, frowns, and says, “Ma’am, you never bought the dress.”
“What are you talking about?”
The attendant shows the lady the notes on her computer screen. “You said you wanted to think about it, and asked if we could hold the dress. We held it for two weeks, but when we didn’t hear back from you, we assumed you didn’t want it.”
“Well, we want it now.”
“It’s been over eight months,” the attendant explained, “We sold the dress a long time ago. But I can order you another one, and have it expedited here in a few weeks.”
And like a volcano of entitlement, the eruption began.
“This is unacceptable!” The mother shrieked. “We have her alterations scheduled in two hours! The wedding is a week away! I can’t believe you sold her dress!”
The bride, meanwhile, is slumped against the desk and sobbing.
My mom and I are just open-mouthed staring at this point. The attendant was trying to be diplomatic, but is clearly as baffled as we are. “Ma’am, we had no way to know you wanted it.
You never called. You never put down a deposit. The dress isn’t yours until you pay for it.”
After some more screaming from the mother and wailing from the bride, they left. The shop attendant came back over to us and I asked her, “Does that kind of thing happen a lot?”
The poor lady was just deflated. “All the time,” she said.
It baffles me to this day.
| Atomic_tango