What a keeper

I saw a marriage fall apart before it even started. It was the most embarrassing moment I have ever had the misfortune of witnessing.
The bride arrived at the wedding — which was a huge event. Massive church. 300 guests. Everyone was seated and waiting for the bride’s grand entrance.
Suddenly the wedding music starts and everyone stands. By unhappy chance, I was seated behind the groom.
He turns around and as the bride is within earshot he said, “What the heck are you wearing?” The bride looked at him, understandably annoyed, and they started to bicker.
The priest had to intervene. Nobody knew where to look.
The bride suddenly took off her veil and threw it on the floor yelling, “Well if that’s the way you feel, this is over!” and marched out screaming, “It’s off!
It’s off!” The groom was left standing there with a red face.
For a brief moment everyone just stood there motionless. The groom disappeared momentarily. He returned looking disheveled and announced the wedding was off. We all left utterly shocked.
The reception went ahead however. It had been paid for and the bride’s mother, who said it would be a shame for all the food and drink to go to waste as it had already been paid for.
Quietest dinner I’ve ever attended.
| Rhys Hoffmann