Gold nugget girl

I had a crazy client once involved in a dissolution of domestic partnership (not married, but had been together 20 years). She had an insane amount of stories about the opposing party (drug dealer, he had killed a man and all sorts of other wild accusations).
No idea what was reality vs. what she made up. They had millions between them and were fighting over every last Native American artifact, household item, etc. At one point she offered me gold nuggets as a “gift” because she liked me so much (which I had to ethically refuse as a non de minimis gift from a current client).
I eventually got off the case when I changed jobs.
I think it’s currently under appeal now so I can’t give any further detail, but there was some pretty crazy stuff involved in this case, including accusations that the opposing party was sleeping with his attorney (which shockingly had some basis in reality when investigated, but I got off the case right around then).
| VegaDark541