A dog-eat-dog divorce

A man came into the family law firm and says his wife is cheating on him. He’s extremely rich and wants to get divorced.
The lawyer proceeds to ask him about his assets and what he wants to keep. He says that she can have the house, the car, the boat and the kids.
The lawyer asks him what he wants to keep then, given that he doesn’t seem to want anything.
The man angrily responds, “That woman only loves her dog. I want her to suffer, so I want the court to order that the dog be taken away from her and cremated.
She can have 50% of the ashes, and I’ll have the other 50%.”
At this point, I’m beginning to sympathize with the wife and think that this supposed “affair” may have been completely justified.
And despite the crazy, somehow I’m still interested in practising in family law.
| askkasan