Jell-O, goodbye

I’m not a divorce lawyer, but one of my high school friends told me that his parents had a pretty ridiculous reason for getting divorce.
His dad was using the stove to make Jell-O. His mom said Jell-O is too fattening and tried to grab the pan out of his hand to dump it down the sink.
He pulled the pan back while she was trying to snatch it, and she called that act of refusing to throw out the Jell-O “spousal abuse.”
He packed his bag and left that night — moved to a town 1,500 miles away where he knew literally no one, just to get away from her.
They had been married for over 20 years, and I think that was just the last straw.
Their divorce also ended up costing them thousands of dollars. It was the most expensive Jell-O I think anyone’s ever had.
| andrado