Fifth time’s the charm

My first divorce case was the most memorable. My client was a nice looking, 50-ish waitress who was breaking hearts at the local small town cafe. She was on divorce number 5.
I had a little lawyer kit of things she should do — clean out the joint accounts, change the car title, etc. She had done all of them, plus a few things neither I nor the professional list-maker had thought of.
Husband No. 5 came into my office to cry and concede everything. Now that was a guy who needed a lawyer with a list. No such luck, — she screwed him over gently, professionally (I thought) and didn’t overreach too much, but got everything she was or might have been entitled to, plus a little more.
Was easy peasy for me. Helps if your first time is with an experienced woman. I learned a lot
| AnathemaMaranatha