Pricey princess

Me and my childhood bestie have always been friends and she got engaged five months ago to her boyfriend of six months. We’ve been planning our weddings since we were 14 and she always wanted a castle wedding with a ballgown.
Two months ago she found her dream castle in which she booked the wedding in four months. She just asked us for a $280 dress and for us to pay 1/10 of a $2000 wedding dress.
There’s six bridesmaids which is $200 plus a $14,000 bachelorette party — which is $2333.34 per person, plus a $600 bridal shower.
The total is $2,913.34 which I can’t afford. I am still in university and finish a few months before the wedding but I am $100,000 in debt. I told her I can’t pay for her wedding dress and bachelorette party — not even including the flight.
She wanted us to also pay for makeup and hair and wanted me to dye my hair dirty blonde. I am a redhead and can’t dye it back. She also wants us to get her wedding gifts from the registry and pay for our own dinner.
I told her at this point I can’t afford that and she freaked out saying I am an A-hole cause it’s her big day and I helped her plan it at 14.
I told her I am not in a financial situation to do this but I can try to work my butt off to afford it.
| erktx