Backup bridesmaid

One of my boyfriend’s best friends got engaged about a year ago. His fiance and I were pretty close. When the time came for her to ask people to be in her bridal party I was not asked and also not super off put by it — I understand that you can’t have everyone.
The part that upsets me is that she kept telling me if there is anyone in the bridal party that causes drama she will get rid of them and I can be the honorary bridesmaid.
Well fast forward about three months ago and I went out for supper with her and the maid of honor. They had been arguing about problems with the wedding for a while.
Then they start drinking. This causes them to get emotional and the bride asks the maid of honor if she even wants to be part of the wedding, to which she replies yes.
So the bride is happy then, she turns to me and says “I know you’re not a part of the wedding but if you want you can come hang out with us in the morning and get ready.
You can also pay to get your hair and makeup done.”
They continue to drink and get into a heated argument about how the bride wants her there but the maid of honor doesn’t want to be there. I’m just sitting there watching it all play out.
Any time I have hung out with her since then all she talks about is the drama in the bridal party and honestly it feels like a chore to hangout with her when I used to genuinely enjoy it. Two weeks ago she asked the maid of honor to leave the bridal party because of the drama and now I am being asked to be the “honorary bridesmaid.” I honestly feel like this is the same as being chosen last in gym class.
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