Shallow bridezilla

I am a 27-year-old woman and my fiance Emily and I have been engaged for the last two months. Everyone important knows about us and is happy for us to be finally engaged.
At least that’s what I thought. Emily has been battling cancer the last few months and because of chemo, is bald. She has really bad self-esteem and confidence because of it (among other things) and hasn’t really left the house since finding out about her diagnosis.
A mutual friend of ours was engaged when Emily found out about her diagnosis and was originally asked to be a maid of honor but now that she’s bald was asked “to wear a wig to cover her bald head” because it didn’t suit her style of photography for her wedding.
Emily came home crying after looking for bridesmaid dresses after she was demanded which wigs to wear by the bride and told me she felt uncomfortable about attending the wedding. I felt like this was rude and said to the bride that Emily was uncomfortable with her treatment and her reply back was that “she felt uncomfortable about a bald bridesmaid and that if she didn’t wear the wig she wasn’t allowed to attend the wedding.
I told her that we both wouldn’t be attending, but now we have left her two bridesmaids short a week before the wedding.
| Anonymous