The wedding DJ

I worked as a caterer and a wedding DJ for about 15 years.
I was DJ-ing a wedding in a shabby little reception hall out in the middle of the sticks for a redneck bride and groom.
The bride was wasted by the time I started playing my set (around 8 p.m.) She came up to me right away and told me that I need to play the song “Save A Horse (Ride A Cowboy)” like every four songs, and I try to tell her that it’s a bad idea but she insisted, so I agreed.
About an hour into the night I play the song for the 10th time and people in the crowd started to boo. Please note that everytime I played the song I passed it off onto the bride by saying something like “it’s time for a special request from the bride,” so as to not destroy my reputation.
So people boo and start walking off the dance floor. Bride sees this and loses it.
She runs up to the stage and demands the mic. “Get back on the dance floor, or this thing is done!” Her guests ignore her. She yells again and no one pays her any attention.
She then marches over to the cake and gift table and flips it over, yelling “EVERYONE GET OUT OF MY WEDDING.”
Her guests who did not seem all that surprised end up leaving. I still got paid so in the end it did not matter too much from my end but wow… Just wow.
| itsalltruesteve