The band played on

I’m a violinist who plays in quartets at weddings.
One October, my group was to play at an outdoor wedding.
It was 45 degrees Fahrenheit outside. The bride refused to move the ceremony inside (there was a very nice facility to do so; this was at a fancy hunt club), even though we and her guests were freezing.
Her poor bridesmaids wore strapless dresses with no shawls or anything to keep them warm! It was awful, and my group actually had to put in our contract that we will not play an outdoor wedding if it is below 55 degrees Fahrenheit, as it can ruin our instruments.
On top of that, the bride never thanked us, and apparently everyone got so drunk at the reception, the venue kicked everyone out early.
This is a venue that probably cost close to $10K to rent out for the day/night.
| breannabalaam