Lawyers Share Their Amazing “I Rest My Case!” Story

#9 Vengeance Is So, So Sweet

Terrible people had stolen all of this little old lady’s money. They said it was a gift, but their only evidence was a document in some person’s handwriting that was allegedly dictated. The document was dated September 2012. No day, just the month. Clearly, the rogue had forged the signature when she found out about the lawsuit and, not remembering when she had stolen it, she hoped that if she could guess the right month, no one could challenge her. I questioned her about it. Exhibit B was the little old lady’s bank record. Referring to the withdrawal at the bottom, I asked, “Is that the alleged gift?” “Yes.” “Can you read the date of that transaction for me?” “August 25, 2012.” “Thank you.”

Credit: asoiahats


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