#14 You Really Thought You Accomplished Something, Huh?
My client and his wife were woken up one night because people were trying to break into his house. He fired two warning shots as his wife called 911. The neighbor also called 911. When the police got the neighbor’s call that there were shots fired, the police sergeant radioed the other officers and said, “He’s going to jail tonight,” referring to my client. So obviously, even with clear signs that someone had tried to break in, the officers arrested my client for endangering his wife by shooting inside the house.
The case got to a jury trial and I started to go off on the police sergeant about why she would say that before an investigation and before she even had any idea what happened. The sergeant had no idea how to respond and literally just sat there staring at me for a solid two minutes before saying anything. Even the bailiffs were audibly laughing.
Credit: Wesquire91