Lawyers Share Their Amazing “I Rest My Case!” Story

#17 Time To Drop That Client

I represented a guy who had bought a company which had failed spectacularly within months, due to a number of reasons I could attribute to the seller. They had clearly lied about the company’s finances to induce him to buy. I was suing to rescind the deal and get my guy his money back. I laid out my huge case and thought I had it in the bag, and then opposing counsel asked my guy, “Isn’t it true that you listed this business for sale a month ago?” “Yes.” “And you did sell it, correct? You signed a purchase and sale?” “Yes, but he never finished paying me, he has more payments to make. I’ll just give his money back when you guys give me my money back.” My idiot client had me suing over a company that he had legally sold. The jerk never told me. Game over on the spot.

Credit: ElvisAaron


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