Lawyers Share Their Amazing “I Rest My Case!” Story

#19 We’ve Got The Proof Right Here

I was defending an alimony case and in my state, cohabitation with a new lover is a bar to alimony. We had a PI on the plaintiff’s tail for a few months and she and opposing counsel had no clue. I had a mountain of evidence that the plaintiff had moved in with a new boyfriend and they were essentially husband and wife without the marriage certificate. If I could prove cohabitation, she wouldn’t get alimony.

On cross-examination, I’d set her up with a question I knew she’d lie about and then hit her with a photo contradicting her. “So, it’s your testimony that John Doe never visited your house?… Oh, so do you have an explanation for why he’s walking in your front door in this photo?… So he did come over, but never stayed overnight?… I see, do you have an explanation for why his car was parked outside of your house overnight on these nights, as seen in these photographs?”

For a solid 45 minutes. I’d ask a question and she’d lie. Then I’d impeach her with a photo directly contradicting her. I was catching her in a lie per minute or more. She never wised up, either. After the first few times, you’d think she’d tell the truth knowing that I’d just catch her in another lie, but nope. She just kept on lying. It was the most fun I’ve ever had on cross. Eventually, the court made the specific finding that the plaintiff’s testimony was “without an iota of credibility.”

Credit: PennywiseEsquire


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