Lawyers Share Their Amazing “I Rest My Case!” Story

#23 The Court Was Definitely On Your Side

I argued a conversion case before a state court of appeals over a painting of the 1950s era. My friend won at trial court but asked me to write and argue the appeal for him. It was my first appellate argument, so I worked my butt off. I had three-ring binders with tabs that I could flip to as I went along with my argument outline. I practiced with my friends and barely slept the night before. I was pumped and prepared.

The other side appealed, so they went first. They got HAMMERED by the court. It was kind of painful but also terrifying, because I was next. I figured I was going to get just as roasted. My turn came up. I started my long-rehearsed presentation and almost immediately got interrupted with a question. Then another question, and so on. I realize I could only hurt myself if I went on, as the court was OBVIOUSLY on my side. I asked, “Can I answer any other questions for the court?” The bench said no, and I thanked them and take my seat. Twenty minutes of argument available to me and I used 3. We won.

Credit: Deleted


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