Lawyers Share Their Amazing “I Rest My Case!” Story

#40 Someone Didn’t Pass Mathematics

I got a ticket for going 75 mph on I-88, near Chicago. The officer wrote on the ticket that I was going 88 mph on I-75 (that runs from Detroit south to Miami, not near Chicago). I showed up wearing a suit because I had one and I figured I may as well wear it. The judge called on me asking me if I was a lawyer. I said I am not, but I got to go first since I was the only one in a suit.

The judge looks at the ticket, says, “You were going 88 on I-75? Officer, what does this ticket say? Isn’t I-75 out of our jurisdiction?” At this point, I opened my mouth and shut it, because I had the right to remain silent. The officer said, “Your honor, at my age I have no idea what I wrote.” The judge gave him a look, then threw my license back at me in the plastic bag, saying, “You are free to go.” Always wear a suit to the traffic court.

Credit: coranos2


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