Lawyers Share Their Amazing “I Rest My Case!” Story

#45 You’re Not Making A Great Case For Yourself

I was on the losing end of this one. I was representing a pro bono defendant who was attempting to regain custody of her children. The Family Division attorney was laying out his case to the judge for why my client wasn’t ready, and his final point was that my client had refused emotional counseling to avoid violent fits of rage that she had inflicted on her children. On cue, my client jumps up screaming: “SCREW YOU JUDGE LADY! YOU STUPID JERK! SCREW Y’ALL FOR TAKING MY FREAKING KIDS, YOU FREAKING JERKS!” I just caught the opposing attorney’s smirk of satisfaction as I got up to usher my client out of the courtroom.

Credit: WaluigiIsTheRealHero


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